If you haven’t read our strategy yet, take another look - you will find there is a lot of detail in there and it is aging well. It is the strategy for a University of Melbourne Centre but is not in a form to be fundable by government, philanthropy, or grants. So we are working towards a concrete future idea that will instantiate the goals in our Centre strategy with clear transformational objectives. That idea at this point is Learning Health System Innovation Hubs in health services.
The innovation hub idea has been adopted by MDHS as a signature initiative in their Advancing Health 2030 strategy (see Digital Care Navigation Centre here). We are fortunate to have been selected to work with Research, Innovation, and Commercialization (RIC) towards a vision and program of work that could lead to future large funding bids along with 6 other teams from across the University. Over the next few months, we will be refining our idea, quantifying the value and transformation we wish to achieve, and defining what it is and how it will work.
The first homework is to create a press release we would use when we receive very large (20 million dollar large) funding from the Victorian Department of Health. Getting the right headline is a challenge. We weren’t alone in sounding too focused on the thing we are doing and not enough on the change or revolution it will make:
Healthcare hubs to accelerate innovation into patient care
Like others, we were also too wordy and quite boring:
Delivering the best care for patients through digital innovation hubs
This isn’t quite right but is getting closer:
Hospital-embedded digital innovation hubs drive higher value patient care
By embedding researchers from the University of Melbourne, Innovation Hubs will lead the digital transformation of health from the ground up, quickly testing and scaling data-driven innovative solutions to drive continuous improvement in clinical care.
Will you help us think through this vision? Every one of you could have valuable input into our thinking. As a start, please fill out this survey to point us to any exemplars of research-health-service partnerships anywhere on the LHS cycle.
I am writing this in the passenger seat as we return from a quick weekend trip to Canberra. Overnight temperatures of -4C (and electric longboarding with the dogs) left me with cold hands and feet I haven’t experienced since Winter of 2019 skiing!
Regional Linguistic Quirks (RLQ). I got the type of blank stare I usually give when I asked Meredith and Kara if we were going to provide any swag at the Validitron launch (early September, by the way): branded free things that you are given, for example at an event. Kayley reminded me that swag is an acronym for Stuff We All Get. I haven’t heard an Australian equivalent yet.